Required Training
All Employees in the following departments and roles (Operations,. Education, Loss Prevention, Quality, Safety, Commissioning, and Logistics) shall complete the following training Annually. All Annual Training will be completed using your iAuditor. Just open iAuditor and Select Training, click on the course you need to take and complete it (you must receive a MINIMUM score of 70% for completion credit). It usually takes a few hours to show up as completed in iAuditor Analytics. Once completed feel free to send an email to jennsmith@elightelectric.com so she can enter it as complete in our records.
Annual Training for 2024 are as follows:
NFPA 70E and Energized Electrical Safety Refresher (January)​
Safety Awareness and Requirements (February)
Infectious Disease Awareness (March)
Lead Based Product Hazard Awareness (April)
Defensive Driving (May)​​​
Fall Protection and Ladders Refresher (June)
Avoiding Heat-Related Injuries (July)
Silica Hazard Awareness (August)
Asbestos Awareness Training (September)
The following modules must be completed before operating specific equipment or acting as a spotter on any E Light Electric Project. These training modules are for E Light use only, for contract employees on PV sites please see the site safety manager.
MC4 Connector Safety Training for Solar Sites
Global Harmonization System Training - SDS Sheets
Fall Protection and Ladder Safety
Excavation and Trenching Competent Person Training
Scaffolding Competent Person Preliminary Training​
The following modules may be assigned to you depending on your position or assignment. You will be required to successfully complete an exam at the end of each course with a minimum score of 80%.
Safety Awareness and Requirements for Supervisors
Electrical Safety and NFPA 70E
Introduction to Lean Construction​