Tool Operator Manuals
The list below contains the operator's manuals for each tool. To access the desired manual simply click on the link, and you'll be redirected to a page containing the manual for that specific tool.
DeWalt-Multi-Cutter 14"-Model #DW872 (Chop Saw)
48-22-4014 14" Standard Bolt Cutter Page 1
48-22-4018 18" Standard Bolt Cutter Page 2
48-22-4024 24" Standard Bolt Cutter Page 3
48-22-4031 30" Standard Bolt Cutter Page 4
48-22-4114 14" Premium Bolt Cutter Page 5
48-22-4124 24" Premium Bolt Cutter Page 6
48-22-4218 18" Non-Conductive Bolt Cutter Page 7
48-22-4224 24" Non-Conductive Bolt Cutter Page 8
​​​​Uline - Pallet Truck - Model #